Deprecations by version#

Announced in hipBLAS 0.49#

Replace inplace hipblasXtrmm with out of place hipblasXtrmm#

The hipblasXtrmm API, along with batched versions, will be changing in hipBLAS 1.0 release to allow in-place and out-of-place behavior. This change will introduce an output matrix ‘C’, matching the rocblas_xtrmm_outofplace API and the cublasXtrmm API.

Announced in hipBLAS 0.53#

Remove packed_int8x4 datatype#

The packed_int8x4 datatype will be removed in hipBLAS 1.0. There are two int8 datatypes:

  • int8_t

  • packed_int8x4

int8_t is the C99 unsigned 8 bit integer. packed_int8x4 has 4 consecutive int8_t numbers in the k dimension packed into 32 bits. packed_int8x4 is only used in hipblasGemmEx. int8_t will continue to be available in hipblasGemmEx.

Announced in hipBLAS 1.0#

Replace Legacy BLAS in-place trmm functions with trmm functions that support both in-place and out-of-place functionality#

Use of the deprecated Legacy BLAS in-place trmm functions will give deprecation warnings telling you to compile with -DHIPBLAS_V1 and use the new in-place and out-of-place trmm functions.

Note that there are no deprecation warnings for the hipBLAS Fortran API.

The Legacy BLAS in-place trmm calculates B <- alpha * op(A) * B. Matrix B is replaced in-place by triangular matrix A multiplied by matrix B. The prototype in the include file rocblas-functions.h is:

hipblasStatus_t hipblasStrmm(hipblasHandle_t    handle,
                             hipblasSideMode_t  side,
                             hipblasFillMode_t  uplo,
                             hipblasOperation_t transA,
                             hipblasDiagType_t  diag,
                             int                m,
                             int                n,
                             const float*       alpha,
                             const float*       AP,
                             int                lda,
                             float*             BP,
                             int                ldb);

hipBLAS 1.0 deprecates the legacy BLAS trmm functionality and replaces it with C <- alpha * op(A) * B. The prototype is:

hipblasStatus_t hipblasStrmmOutofplace(hipblasHandle_t    handle,
                                       hipblasSideMode_t  side,
                                       hipblasFillMode_t  uplo,
                                       hipblasOperation_t transA,
                                       hipblasDiagType_t  diag,
                                       int                m,
                                       int                n,
                                       const float*       alpha,
                                       const float*       AP,
                                       int                lda,
                                       const float*       BP,
                                       int                ldb,
                                       float*             CP,
                                       int                ldc);

The new API provides the legacy BLAS in-place functionality if you set pointer C equal to pointer B and ldc equal to ldb.

There are similar deprecations for the _batched and _strided_batched versions of trmm.